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Paola from Mexico

“When I was in high school, I realized how much I wanted to make an international student exchange and live all the experience it brings: new friends, new cultures, new ideologies, maturity, independence, advanced knowledge, and a lot of work experience. I decided to go to Germany. When I saw all the possible options, Hof University captured my attention because it offered many subjects in English that were very interesting to me and the language was not going to be a problem.

One of my favorite subjects right now is Computer Science for Engineers and Vocabulary in Use for Engineers. In the first one, I have learned a lot about databases that nowadays are so useful in companies. The second subject has enhanced my vocabulary when it comes to special terminology in the manufacturing area. I firmly believe that every subject will be of help for my future career and will give me different insights and opportunities in the labor field.

If you want to live an enriching and fun exchange experience, don’t hesitate, Hof University is the right place. You will not regret it!”

Paola from Mexico