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English course catalogue and grading system

Hof University offers a wide range of study programs in Business & Economics, Engineering and Computer Science on undergraduate and graduate level. Exchange students are most welcome to choose from our entire module options taught in English or German.

You can find information about our education system, courses and regulations in our course catalogue for English-taught modules.

Course overview

English course catalogue


An overview of all modules can be found in the Module descriptions.

Education system at Hof University

Our grading system

International students on campus of Hof University

Education system at Hof University

The education system at Hof University is structured according to the Bologna Process, which ensures comparability in the standards of higher education qualifications in the European Union and other participating countries. The most essential part is the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). This standard enables the comparison of study attainment and performance of students.

At Hof University it results in the following regulations:

  • An academic year is structured into 2 semesters:
    • winter semester (October - February) and
    • summer semester (March - July).
  • An academic year is equivalent to a workload of 1.500 – 1.800 hours, which is awarded with 60 ECTS.
  • The workload of a course is the total of attendance and self-study hours, which the students normally need in order to achieve the defined learning outcome.
  • The workload of one semester corresponds to 30 ECTS (1 ECTS = 30 hours of workload).
  • For example: a 5 ECTS course corresponds to 150 hours of workload, which includes attendance and self-study hours.
  • The semester is structured into a lecture and an exam period. The exam period starts after the lecture period at the end of the semester and runs approximately for 4 weeks.
  • Credits are awarded only when the module has been completed and all required examinations have been successfully taken.
  • In general, most of the modules at Hof University are designed as final examination. This means there is no continuous assessment during the lecture period and no mid-term examination.

Further information about the European Credit Transfer System is available on the website of the European Comission.


ECTS per study cycle

1st cycle: 180 - 240 ECTS - Bachelor's degree

2nd cycle: 90 - 120 ECTS - Master's degree

3rd cycle: no fixed ECTS range - Doctoral Degree


German grading system

Grades at Hof University are issued according to the German Numerical Grading System. The workload of the courses are indicated in ECTS.

Exchange students will receive a Transcript of Records after the completion of their exchange program.


The German Numerical Grading System is equivalent to the following ECTS grades:


Numerical MarkGerman Gradeequivalent ECTS Grades
1,0 - 1,2ExcellentA
1,3 - 1,5Very goodB
1,6 - 2,5GoodC
2,6 - 3,5SatisfactoryD
3,6 - 4,0SufficientE
> 4,0FailedF

FAQs about the grading system

There are two semesters per academic year in Germany - winter and summer semester. Exams are conducted directly at the end of the semester as final exams. There are no mid-term exams during the semester.

You should contact your home institution for the required workload for your exchange program.

From our side, exhange students may take as many courses as they wish but it is advisable to take no more than 30 – 35 credits.

Winter semester: assessment of grades takes place on 1st March. Exchange students will receive their Transcript of Records by End of March.

Summer semester: assessment of grades takes place on 15th August. Exchange students will receive their Transcript of Records by Mid September.

Your Transcript of Records will be sent to you and your home institution by email. Upon request, a hard copy will be send to your home institution by post.


 Marta Malik
Marta Malik +49 9281 409 - 3313

Coordinator for incoming students - Business

 Philippa Kauper
Philippa Kauper +49 9281 409 - 3314

Coordinator for incoming students - Computer Science and Engineering