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Special representatives

The following special representatives are available as contact persons for you:

At Hof University, the representative for disability issues, Prof. Dr. Peter Schäfer, is available for students and prospective students.

Comprehensive information on the topic of studying with a disability (or chronic illness) is also available from the Studentenwerk Deutschland at their Information and Counselling Centre for Studies and Disability (IBS).

Disabled students, like all students, are entitled to equal opportunities in examinations. You can therefore apply for disadvantage compensation if you are unable to take examinations in the prescribed form and/or time due to physical impairments. The examination board of Hof University is responsible for granting compensation for disadvantages when taking examinations. Please submit applications via the PRIMUSS-Portal or via your course advisor.


The Data Protection Officer of Hof University of Applied Sciences is Matthias Schaller.

Based on Article 38(4) and Article 39(1) of the General Data Protection Regulation (DS-GVO), the Data Protection Officer has the following tasks:

  • advising the university management on data protection law,
  • advising the university staff involved in the processing of personal data on data protection law,
  • advising the persons affected by the university's data processing on data protection law,
  • monitoring of relevant business processes at the university from the point of view of data protection law,
  • cooperation with the Bavarian State Commissioner for Data Protection.

The Data Protection Officer fulfils his duties free of instructions and reports directly to the university management (Article 38(3) of the GDPR). He may not disclose facts entrusted to him in the exercise of this function or the identity of the persons communicating them without their consent (Article 12(2) Bavarian Data Protection Act).

The Women's Representative at Hof University is Prof. Dr. Anett Matthäi. Her deputy is Prof Dr Manuela Wimmer. They support the university

  • in the establishment of equal opportunities as required by the constitution,
  • avoiding or eliminating disadvantages for female students, professors and lecturers,
  • representing women's interests in university committees,
  • helping to increase the number of female professors,
  • providing information on funding opportunities for female students,
  • providing information on career opportunities for women,
  • organising events to teach and practise specific key skills (e.g. application and negotiation training) for female students,
  • counselling in cases of discrimination and violence against women,
  • supporting and promoting women's issues in teaching, research and practice,
  • cooperating with institutions, women's associations, schools, etc. outside the university.

The women's representatives of the Bavarian Universities of Applied Sciences coordinate their activities at state level. Within this framework they

  • organise regular conferences,
  • inform the public about the situation of women at the universities,
  • take a stand on issues of equal opportunities policy,
  • initiate measures to promote women in higher education,
  • represent the special interests of Universities of Applied Sciences.

Its legal basis is the Bavarian Higher Education Innovation Act (BayHIG) of 5 August 2002.

Click here to go to the main page of the Women's Representative.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dietmar Wolff is the special representative against antisemitism at Hof University.

On the initiative of the Bavarian State Ministry of Sciences and the Arts and at the instigation of the Bavarian State Government Commissioner for Jewish Life and Against Anti-Semitism, for Remembrance Work and Historical Heritage, Dr. Ludwig Spaenle, former State Minister, all Bavarian universities have appointed representatives against Antisemitism. The aim is to combat anti-Semitism at Bavarian universities and colleges. Universities are a decisive factor in the fight against the resurgence of antisemitism, which can best be combated in the academic sphere, where teaching and research meet. To this end, antisemitism officers at all levels should network closely and exchange experiences on a regular basis.

Cornelia Kneitz is the Equal Opportunities Officer for administrative staff at Hof University. Together with her deputy Katharina Sachs, she supports the university in complying with the Bavarian Equal Opportunities Act.

The Bavarian Equal Opportunities Act (BayGlG) defines the scope of duties. This involves 

  • the creation of an equal opportunities concept
  • participation in and monitoring of the enforcement of the Bavarian Equal Opportunities Act,
  • advising and supporting employees on issues relevant to equality (e.g. working time models, gender discrimination, mobbing, sexual harassment in the workplace),
  • improving equal opportunities for women and men in the workplace,
  • promoting the reconciliation of work and family life,
  • participation in all matters relevant to gender equality within the university.

The Information Security Officer at Hof University is Prof. Dr. Florian Adamsky.

His tasks include:

  • investigating security-related incidents,
  • monitoring the status of information security,
  • creating security guidelines and concepts,
  • raising awareness of information security, for example through training courses,
  • supporting and advising on the implementation of security measures.


Prof. Dr. Peter Schäfer
Prof. Dr. Peter Schäfer +49 9281 409 - 4270

Ombudsman for disabled students

 Matthias Schaller
Matthias Schaller +49 9281 409 - 3105

Data protection officer

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dietmar Wolff
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dietmar Wolff +49 9281 409 - 4630

Special representative against antisemitism

 Cornelia Kneitz
Cornelia Kneitz +49 9281 409 - 3415

Equal opportunities officer

Prof. Dr. Florian Adamsky
Prof. Dr. Florian Adamsky +49 9281 409 - 4860

Information security officer