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Innovative, hands-on, international

Hof University

Hof University stands for interdisciplinary and application-oriented studies in engineering, computer science, business and design. The unique combination of disciplines makes Hof University students fit for the networked and digital future.

For students with at least one year of professional experience, Hof University Graduate School offers exciting further education opportunities. 

More about studying at Hof University

Looking for an international degree?

Hof University Graduate School

You hold a Bachelor and already gained some work experience? You feel a need for deeper knowledge in your field, especially for earning an international leading position? Kick-start your career with an international Master's  program at Hof University Graduate School!

All programs comprise one year of internship - a great opportunity to apply your knowledge and to gain additional professional experience!

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We offer more than 40 exciting Bachelor's and Master's programs

Application and admission for degree-seekers

Our campus locations


16:00 - 17:00

Master programs @ Hof University Graduate School (online presentation)


17:00 - 18:00

Master programs @ Hof University Graduate School


Vice President Prof. Dr. Dietmar Wolff
Laptop with the hand of a person on a desk

Hof University again receives system accreditation as the highest seal of quality for its teaching

In 2014, Hof University was the first Bavarian university to successfully complete the system accreditation process. This distinction has now been achieved once again. The seal confirms that it has a functioning quality management system, which forms the basis for high-quality teaching.

Industry 4.0: Practical insights for our students

An innovative "Industry 4.0" system has recently been added to the machine hall at Hof University. It provides students with a practical insight into the topic of Industry 4.0 and optimum preparation for their future careers. Prof. Dr. Heike Markus, Head of the Master in Operational Excellence, explains what it is all about.

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