Sustainability message by President Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Jürgen Lehmann
Green Tech in focus
- ecological. social. economic.
With the Green Tech philosophy of Hof University, which is based on the balance between environmental relevance, social compatibility and economic efficiency, living, learning and research at Hof University of Applied Sciences focuses on the goal of a climate-neutral and environmentally friendly, socially just as well as economically future-oriented environment.
At Hof University, these ideas of sustainability are achieved through a close integration of theory, research and practice, taking into account the needs of university members and resource-conserving as well as responsible actions now and in the future.
The responsible actions of all university members will be strengthened through the transfer of knowledge and competencies for sustainable development. Sustainability will be an elementary component of onboarding, continuing education and training for all teachers, researchers and employees. A university-wide module will be developed for students in each of the Bachelor's and Master's programs. Students can take this on a voluntary basis and earn the sustainability certificate.
Sustainability manager
Anja Grabmeier
How should one imagine the work of a sustainability manager?
"In a nutshell, my work as a sustainability manager at Hof University involves developing and implementing strategies, goals and measures to promote sustainability - environmentally, socially and economically."
Sustainability at Hof University
- 2024: development of a university-specific sustainability strategy based on the guiding principle Green Tech University and the sustainability understanding of Hof University
- from 2025: establishment of a greenhouse gas balance on an annual basis (first year: 2024) with development of a reduction path
- 2025: implementation of a sustainability reporting
- as of now: continuous implementation of activties to promote sustainability and raise awarness within the university community
... insights into #34 webtalk with Anja Grabmeier Sustainability at Hof University (german language)
Sustainable campus and sustainable operation
- ISO 14001 certified environmental management system
- project "Energy independence of Hof University"
- green roofs and photovoltaic systems
- mobility: e-charging stations for cars, bicycle leasing for employees, e-scooter rental Hof parking space in the immediate neighbourhood of the campus at the digital start-up centre Einstein1
- protecting biodiversity through site-appropriate planting, flowering meadows, cherry and apple trees and a university pond based on a wetland biotope
- university bees and blossom honey from the Campus Hof - a project of the heart
- newly designed seating areas for group work, individual study and relaxation
- Fairtrade University
- Foodsharing: Fairteiler to share food and participation in the harvest campaign "Gelbes Band"
- Bookcrossing: book exchange station organised by the university library
- Kitchen Bazaar organised by the International Office: at the beginning of each semester, international students have the opportunity to get second-hand dishes and kitchen equipment
- Pen-Monster: recycling of pens
Diversity, equality and integration
- Women's representatives
- Equal Rights representative
- Gender Equality Plan (under revision, currently available only in German language)
- workshop series "Career strategies for women"
- Cosmopolitan University of Applied Science against xenophobia
- intercultural awareness training for employees with a focus on India
Healthy university, healthy employees - university health management
- active break digitally and on site (weekly)
- Health Day
- workshops and sessions on physical and mental health
- "Health-conscious eating at work and in the Home Office" seminar
- coaching programmes at the workplace
The project "UNI4MIND" focuses on the health of students. UNI4MIND is a prevention project funded by AOK Bayern in collaboration with Mental Health Crowd to promote the mental health of students at universities.
- team-building events for employees such as participation at the Frankenpost company rund and university-wide christmas or summer party for employees
- introducation days for students and onboarding for employees
- yearly company excursion, such as a city trip to Leipzig (2023) and hiking in the Frankenwald (2024)
- Student clubs: Environmental Protection Group and many more
- Campus sports: team sports, fitness courses, sports facilities
- animal-friendly campus: our community also includes two cats, frogs, fishes and a deer
- Frauen.Stärken.Hof: network initiated by Hof University, City of Hof and the "Bundesagentur für Arbeit" to connect women of all professions and ages
Hof University of Applied Sciences is a place of learning for all university members. Hof University offers practice-orientated, interdisciplinary and skills-based teaching in full-time, part-time and a dual model, as well as certificate courses. Furthermore education and training programmes for employees are offered.
Studying with a focus on sustainability
- Engineering Sciences modular with specialization area Environmental Engineering (B. Eng.)
- Sustainable Water Management and Engineering (M. Eng.)
- Sustainable Textiles (M. Eng.)
- Master Nachhaltigkeitsrecht (LL.M.)
- Sustainable Engineering and Project Management (M.B.A and Eng.)
- Compliance, IT & Datenschutz (M.B.A and LL.M.)
- topic-specific modules on sustainability in individual degree programmes
- Faculty of Business Administration: compulsory module "Sustainability Management"
- since summer semester 2024: cross-faculty course "Shaping a sustainable future: dimensions, challenges and perspectives" based on a lecture series for students with proof of participation (winter semester 2025 offered in english language)
Additional Offers
- awareness raising and insights into Sustainability at Hof University as part of the introduction days for students as well as onboarding for employees
- internal university training programme "Let's Play! - Sustain 2030 simulation game"
- integration of the Sustain 2030 simulation game into lectures
- pilot phase "Learning Bites 2024": How the university can learn from itself "bit by bit"! - Development and promotion of methodological skills in the field of research
- regular media exhibitions on sustainability in general and on specific sustainability topics in the university library
- development of onboarding and concept for the further qualification of academic and professorial staff in the "Go2Hof4Ever" project
- development of interdisciplinary teaching and project modules in cooperation with six international partner universities in the International Interdisciplinary Partnership Programme "I2P2"
The institutes' research focuses on Green Tech:
- Institute for Materials Science (ifm)
- Institute for Circular Economy of Bio:Polymers (ibp)
- Institute for Hydrogen and Energy Technology at Hof University (iwe)
- Institute for sustainable Water Systems (inwa)
Two further institutes are specialised in cross-sectional disciplines, and at a closer look their contribution to sustainable development reveals:
The Institute for Information Systems (iisys) is a competence centre for the development and application of information systems. In this context, it also addresses topics such as compliance and social, legal, ethical and sustainable aspects of information systems.
The Institute for Economic and Organizational Research (iwo) researches on future issues related to processes, regulations and social interaction.
Individual research groups are dedicated to sustainability, such as the research group Law in Sustainability, Compliance and IT at iisys and the research group Sustainability and Project Management in Water Management at inwa.
In order to strengthen the Green Tech guiding principle and promote sustainability on campus, the campus itself is being transformed into a research object in cooperation with the research institutes.
Swimming Islands for crop production from the field of hydroponics have already been realised.
As part of projects related to sponge cities and regions as well as due to increasing extreme weather conditions, the inwa is developing a concept for a sponge campus. Existing elements are the Green Roofs, a rainwater retention basis and the University pond, which also functions as a rainwater retention and collection basin. The flowerin meadows serve as natural infiltration/eveaporation areas and support biodiversity.
The innovative Centre for Water and Energy, which is currently under construction, will be a research object on the way to energy independence at Hof University through future-oriented building technology.
In addition to application-orientated research, the focus is on close cooperation with companies and local authorities as well as knowledge and technology transfer to companies, local authorities and society.
Competence Centres
- Competence and Transfer Centre for Sustainable Sponge City/Region
- Competence Centre for Digital Administration
- Competence Centre for Artificial Intelligence
Networks, certificate programmes and educational courses
- S³Rem innovation network: aim is to develop innovative, intelligent, efficient and sustainable solutions to reduce the input of anthropogenic substances into the environment
- Further qualification network for energy, cooling and local heating EnerNet: Establishment of a platform with three separate networks that offer specific further qualification programmes on the topics of energy, cooling and local heating
- Completed projects: Further training Digital Recruiting hoch-N to attract and retain employees; certificate course "The path to the sponge city - urban development in times of climate change"; ADerN - connecting Bavarian companies and operators in the field of local heating technology and trainings for participants of the network
Symposia and conferences
- ibp: online-symposium on the subject of biopolymers
- inwa: Hof Water-Symposium - 4th Hof Water Symposium "Securing water resources in times of drought" on 15th/16th of October 2024
- iwe: Hof Energy Symposium with a focus on energy supply, energy efficiency, hydrogen applications, air conditioning and cooling applications, municipal heating and funding opportunities on 26th of September 2024
Research Podcast
Get to know the people behind the research topics in the official podcast of the Research University Hof: Head of Research Marketing Anne-Christine Habbel talks to guests about their day-to-day work and research, all in plain language. At the moment only available in German. Go to the research podcast.
Night of Science (Nacht der Wissenschaft)
The Night of Science takes place regularly at Hof University. It offers a varied programme of research, teaching, music and culinary delights. Visitors can not only get to know the facilities, but also try out many future trends for themselves and gain insights into current research topics. Impressions of the Night of Science 2023 can be found here.
Children's University Researchers' Day (Kinderuni Forschertag)
Children are welcome to attend at the annual Children's University Researchers' Day and gain tailored insights into research. Last year, two topics related to sustainability were on the agenda: "We let it rip! Sustainable packaged popcorn" and "Superheroes on mission! We're making the world a little bit better".
Representatives of all status groups and fields of action are already actively involved in sustainability management:
- development of the university-specific sustainability strategy in the three focus groups teaching, research and operations
- interdisciplinary project team "Future Forum Climate-Friendly University"
- exchange and involvement of university members in the implementation of sustainability-related activities
- Environmental Protection Group
- member of the Bavarian Center for Sustainability in Higher Education (BayZeN) - the university's delegates are Oliver Stark, research associate at the Institute for Hydrogen and Energy Technology, and Anja Grabmeier, Sustainability Manager at Hof University
- Change it! - Stud about "Sustainability - ecological. social. economic."
In addition, everyone is invited to submit ideas, suggestions and wishes for sustainable development at, with and through Hof University of Applied Sciences at nachhaltigkeit(at)
We are delighted to be part of the Future Forum for Climate-Friendly Universities!
The "Future Forum Climate-Friendly Universities" is an interdisciplinary project dedicated to promoting climate protection and sustainability at universities. It is organised in cooperation with netzwerk n e.V., HNE Eberswalde and the University of Vechta and is funded by the BMWK. The project aims to support 15 universities across Germany - Hof University of Applied Sciences is one of them - on their way to develop and implement a climate protection concept in line with the whole institution approach.
We started the project with a successful Kick-off on Tuesday, 19 March 2024.