Numerous degree programs have mandatory language courses.
Study program
Wirtschaftenglisch I, II and III
The following English courses are mandatory in the Bachelor's degree program in Business Administration (BW):
Wirtschaftsenglisch I (2 SWS) in the 1st semester
Wirtschaftsenglisch II (2 SWS) in the 2nd semester and
Wirtschaftsenglisch III (3 SWS) in the 3rd semester.
In the three Business English courses you will learn how to communicate effectively in English in a professional context. You will expand your vocabulary, improve your writing and speaking skills in social and professional interactions, and learn terminology and skills that you can use in business situations.
Alternatives: The mandatory Wirtschaftsenglisch classes can be replaced by obtaining the UNIcert III certificate in English or the UNIcert I, II or III certificate in French or Spanish. (see §4 (8) (b) of the SPO BW of 04.02.2020).
Registration: There is no registration for Business English I and II - you will be assigned to a course. Registration for Business English III takes place online - more information will be sent to you by email and can be found online (website and Moodle).
You can also take further modules from the Language Center’s program (with a minimum of five credits) as part of the foundation part of your study program in accordance with the relevant study and examination regulations. (§4 (8) (a) of the SPO BW of 04.02.2020).
In the International Management (IM) bachelor's degree program, students choose either:
Study Profile I: English
Language I (English) courses are offered by the faculty.
Study Profile I/II: English and a second world business language (French or Spanish).
Language I (English) courses are offered by the faculty.
In Language II (French or Spanish), prior knowledge of 3 years at school is required (B1 according to CEFR).
Alternatively, students can choose Language II Spanish Intensive. In this case, less previous knowledge is required (approx. A2 according to CEFR), which can also be acquired between school leaving exams and the beginning of studies in October.
Hof University of Applied Sciences does not offer a Spanish Intensive block course for this purpose. Instead, language learning is supported by optional additional lessons in the 1st semester and a block course (compulsory) before the 2nd semester.
In study profile I, the language I English courses offered by the faculty are mandatory subjects.
In addition, the following language courses are mandatory in study profile I/II:
Language II (French/Spanish/Spanish Intensive) (2 SWS) in the 1st semester.
(Only for Language II Spanish Intensive): Block course before the 2nd semester
Language II (French/Spanish/Spanish Intensive) (4 SWS) in the 2nd semester
Language II (French/Spanish) (4 SWS) in the 3rd semester
Language II (French/Spanish) (4 SWS) in the 6th semester
You can also take further modules from the Language Center’s program (with a minimum of five credits) within the specialization or specialization area of your study program according to the relevant study and examination regulations. (see §4 (6) of the SPO IM from 09.06.2020).
Information on choosing Language II Spanish Intensive
What language level is required at the beginning of the Foreign Language II Spanish Intensive program?
Level A2 of the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).
This level is normally reached by
taking part in 1 year of Spanish at school with at least 4 hours of classes per week,
taking part in 2 years of Spanish classes with at least 2 hours of classes per week (e.g. elective course at school, adult education center, language school),
completing a four to six week intensive course of 120-150 hours of instruction (e.g. language course in Spain, Instituto Cervantes, other language schools).
What exactly do I need to know?
Specifically, in grammar you will need mastery of the verb forms (all groups) of the present tense and the Pretérito Perfecto, as well as the essential forms of the Indefinido. You will also need to master the use of pronouns and the affirmative imperative. In addition, you should have basic vocabulary for the following general topics: introducing yourself and your family, describing directions, countries, homes and people, preferences and hobbies, daily routines, everyday situations such as shopping, appointments, telephoning, curriculum vitae, telling short stories. Furthermore, you should have basic knowledge of Spain and individual Spanish regions as well as one or more Latin American countries. You should be able to express yourself orally and in writing on the topics covered in class and to take a personal stand on them.
What is the pace of learning?
Especially in the first two semesters, the pace in the language course is fast. Attending additional classes may be necessary. Between the 1st and 2nd semesters there is also a two-week intensive course (usually from March 1 to March 14), which is a prerequisite for continuing your studies in Spanish Intensive. From the third semester on, you will have classes together with the students of Language II Spanish (with previous knowledge). After the year abroad, no distinction is made between Language II Spanish and Language II Spanish Intensive. Therefore, you should definitely plan to spend part of your year abroad in a Spanish-speaking country.
The following English courses are mandatory in the Bachelor's program in Business Law (WR):
Business Communication (2 SWS) in the 3rd semester
Introduction to Legal English (2 SWS) in the 3rd semester
In Business Communication you will learn how to communicate effectively in English in a professional context. You will expand your vocabulary, improve your writing and speaking skills in professional interactions, and develop intercultural skills that you can apply in business situations.
Introduction to Legal English is offered by the faculty.
Registration: Registration for Business Communication takes place online - more information will be sent to you by email and can be found online (website and Moodle).
In addition, the Language Center often offers a “Praxisprojekt Kommunikation/Projektmanagement” in Negotiating Skills in the 4th semester.
You can also take other modules from the Language Center's programme (with a minimum of five credits) within the specialization or specialization area of your study program according to the relevant study and examination regulations. (see §4 (4) of the SPO WR of 09.07.2020).
The following English courses are mandatory in the Bachelor's degree program in Business Psychology (WP):
Englisch I (4 SWS) in the 2nd semester and
Englisch II (4 SWS) in the 4th semester
In the Englisch I course, you will learn how to effectively read and interpret business psychology texts. You will expand your academic vocabulary and improve your reading comprehension and writing skills. In the Englisch II course you will train your skills to present, explain and discuss business psychology in English.
Registration: There is no registration for Englisch I - you will be assigned to a course. Registration for Englisch II takes place online - more information will be sent to you by email and can be found online (website and Moodle).
You can also take other modules from the Language Center's programme (with a minimum of five credits) as part of the specialization area of your study program according to the relevant study and examination regulations. (§4 (3) of the SPO Wirtschaftspsychologie from 25.05.2022).
The following English courses are mandatory in the Bachelor's degree program in Economic and Organisational Sociology (WOS):
Englisch I (4 SWS) in the 1st semester and
Englisch II (4 SWS) in the 3rd semester
In the Englisch I course, you will learn how to effectively read and interpret business sociological texts. You will expand your academic vocabulary and improve your reading comprehension and writing skills. In the Englisch II course you will train your skills to present, explain and discuss business sociological topics in English.
Registration: There is no registration for Englisch I - you will be assigned to a course. Registration for Englisch II takes place online - more information will be sent to you by email and can be found online (website and Moodle).
You can also take other modules from the Language Center's programme (with a minimum of five credits) as part of the specialization area of your study program according to the relevant study and examination regulations. (§4 (3) of the SPO Wirtschafts- und Organisationssoziologie from 25.05.2022).
"English for IT Professionals" is a mandatory 4 SWS-course for all Mobile Computing students in the first semester. This course is designed to teach you to communicate effectively in English in professional contexts. You will expand your vocabulary, improve your ability to write and speak in both social and professional interactions, and learn terminology and skills that you can apply to business and IT situations.
"English for IT Professionals" is a mandatory 4 SWS-course for all Media Informatics students in the fourth semester. This course is designed to teach you to communicate effectively in English in professional contexts. You will expand your vocabulary, improve your ability to write and speak in both social and professional interactions, and learn terminology and skills that you can apply to business and IT situations.
"English for IT Professionals" is a mandatory 4 SWS-course for all Computer Science students in the third semester. This course is designed to teach you to communicate effectively in English in professional contexts. You will expand your vocabulary, improve your ability to write and speak in both social and professional interactions, and learn terminology and skills that you can apply to business and IT situations.
"Business English" is a mandatory 4 SWS-course for all Business Information Systems students in the second semester. This course is designed to teach you to communicate effectively in English in professional contexts. You will expand your vocabulary, improve your ability to write and speak in both social and professional interactions, and learn terminology and skills that you can apply to business situations.
"English for IT Professionals” is a mandatory 2 SWS-course for all Verwaltungsinformatik students in the first semester. This course is designed to teach you to communicate effectively in English in professional contexts. The course covers English for the workplace as well as IT topics.
Master's programs of Hof University Graduate School
Digitization and Innovation (DI)
General Management (GMG)
Operational Excellence (OE)
Sustainability Management (SM)
German is a compulsory subject in the Masters courses of the Faculty of Continuing Education (SfW) if you have not yet successfully completed level B1. Depending on your language level, you have the following options:
German A2 (8 SWS)
German B1 (8 SWS)
In these courses you build up your communicative competence in German by practicing all skills, ie speaking, listening, reading and writing. You receive targeted training in grammar and vocabulary in everyday situations and in the world of work.
Registration: There is no online registration for German A2 and B1 in the 1st semester. You will be assigned to a course.
In the 2nd semester of the Masters courses of the Faculty of Continuing Education, German remains a compulsory subject if you have not yet successfully completed level B1:
German B1 (8 SWS)
In this course you build up your communicative competence in German by practicing all skills, ie speaking, listening, reading and writing. You receive targeted training in grammar and vocabulary in everyday situations and in the world of work.
Registration: For German B1 in the 2nd semester, register online via Primuss. Please pay attention to information from the study faculty for further education.
If you already have better previous knowledge, you can decide on one of the following courses as an elective subject in the 1st semester and/or in the 2nd semester if you can prove that you have the appropriate level:
German B2.1 (4 SWS)
German B2.2 (4 SWS)
German C1.1 (4 SWS)
German C1.2 (4 SWS)
In these courses you train your listening and reading comprehension as well as your written and oral communication skills in various everyday, university and work situations.
Registration: You register for these courses via Primuss - please pay attention to the information from the study faculty for further education.
Software Engineering for Industrial Applications (SE)
German is a compulsory subject in the Masters program Software Engineering for Industrial Applications if you have not yet successfully completed level A2. Depending on your language level, you have the following options:
German A1 (8 SWS)
German A2 (8 SWS)
German B1 (8 SWS)
In these courses you build up your communicative competence in German by practicing all skills, ie speaking, listening, reading and writing. You receive targeted training in grammar and vocabulary in everyday situations and in the world of work.
Registration: There is no online registration for German A1, A2 and B1 in the 1st semester. You will be assigned to a course.
In the 2nd semester of the master's program Software Engineering for Industrial Applications, German remains a compulsory subject if you have not yet successfully completed level A2:
German A2 (8 SWS)
German B1 (8 SWS)
In this course you build up your communicative competence in German by practicing all skills, ie speaking, listening, reading and writing. You receive targeted training in grammar and vocabulary in everyday situations and in the world of work.
Registration: For German A2 and B1 in the 2nd semester, register online via Primuss. Please pay attention to information from the study faculty for further education.
If you already have better previous knowledge, you can decide on one of the following courses as an elective subject in the 1st semester and/or in the 2nd semester if you can prove that you have the appropriate level:
German B2.1 (4 SWS)
German B2.2 (4 SWS)
German C1.1 (4 SWS)
German C1.2 (4 SWS)
In these courses you train your listening and reading comprehension as well as your written and oral communication skills in various everyday, university and work situations.
Registration: You register for these courses via Primuss - please pay attention to the information from the study faculty for further education.