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Business Department

Supply Chain Management M.Sc.

Logisticians are the interface in the company that organize, manage and control the external and internal flow of goods and information. New competitive and management concepts for supply chain management are the focus, but these are inconceivable without technical support. In terms of innovative solutions, such as digitalization and the developments of Industry 4.0, our Master's program in Supply Chain Management focuses on the combination of technological and business aspects and combines purchasing and logistics.


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Accredited Master's program

The aim is to prepare students to take on logistics management tasks. Logistics is characterized by the integration of technical and business management approaches. New logistics management concepts are not possible without new technical support and only new technical solutions in logistics enable new logistics approaches. The Master's program therefore concentrates on conveying this interface know-how from both a business and technical perspective and integrates it into an overall concept. This integrative concept enables graduates of the Master's program in Supply Chain Management to take on management tasks in logistics (so-called senior level).

The Master's program in Suppyl Chain Management opens up the opportunity to acquire an internationally respected academic degree in a short period of time.

The Master's program in Supply Chain Management is basically designed for 3 semesters and requires basic knowledge in logistics and IT. Missing basic knowledge in logistics and IT can be made up.

The program is offered as a full-time study and is divided into 2 parts:

  • Consolidation of logistics in the 1st and 2nd semester of study
  • Master thesis / practical project work in the 3rd study semester

The program includes the following modules (total 90 credits):

  • Methods and strategy concepts in supply chain management (12 credits)
  • Methods and Concepts in Logistics Management (18 Credits)
  • Technologies in logistics (18 credits)
  • Application of scientific methods in logistics projects (18 credits)
  • Master thesis (24 credits)

The modules are offered partly in German, partly in English. Participants are expected to be able to follow both a German and an English lecture.

An overview of the modules of the program (1st/2nd/3rd semester) can be found here.


After successfully passing the Master's examination, Hof University of Applied Sciences awards the academic degree:

Master of Science, short form: M. Sc.

In order for you to successfully face the complex tasks in the company, a high degree of social and communicative competence is required in addition to broad specialist knowledge. At Hof University, we attach great importance to teaching these soft skills as well as to the aspect of internationalization in the field of logistics. Some lectures are therefore held in English.

  • Management tasks in logistics / supply chain management / purchasing
  • Management at logistics service providers and in contract logistics
  • Logistics consulting / logistics consulting
  • Cross-industry management positions in the areas of:
    • Procurement and purchasing,
    • Materials management and material flow technology,
    • Production,
    • Distribution and sales,
    • Transportation and warehouse management

Qualification requirements for the admission to the Master’s degree program Supply Chain Management/Logistics are:

A first degree with the overall grade 2,5 or better with at least 210 ECTS (Bachelor’s degree or Diploma) in

  • Business Management
  • Industrial Engineering/Engineering or
  • Business Information Systems

from a German institution of higher education or an equal degree from a foreign institution of higher education as well as proof of basic knowledge in

  • Logistics (15 ECTS)
  • Data processing (5 ECTS)
  • as well as the passing of the assessment of suitability

Applicants with an overall grade worse than 2,5 can be admitted insofar they rank in the top 15% of their degree course. Applicants lacking basic knowledge as well as applicants with a first degree with 180 ECTS can be admitted insofar they undergo an additional training.

Entryways to the Master’s degree program Supply Chain Management/Logistics at the Hof University of Applied Sciences are summarized in this figure.

Current news

Here you find current events of this study program. 

Career service

Supply Chain Management

Degree awarded
3 semesters
Winter and summer semester
Application period

Winter semester: May 1 - July 15

Summer semester: November 15 - January 15

Tuition fees
Language of instruction

Campus Hof

The campus is the management and administrative center of the university. Here you will find the university library, high-tech laboratories and university sports facilities.

More about Campus Hof


 Holger Edelmann
Holger Edelmann +49 9281 409 - 3223

Student Affairs - Program manager