The master's program in Information Systems in Public Administration is designed for graduates of a diploma or bachelor program in Information Systems in Public Administration.
In addition, graduates of Bachelor's computer science courses (e.g. computer science, media informatics, business informatics, mobile computing) who are interested in a secure job in public administration can also take the Master's in Information Systems in Public Administration.
A degree in another degree program also opens up access to the Master's in Information Systems in Public Administration if essential informatics skills have been taught in the respective degree program, if these have been acquired in the context of relevant professional experience or if a subsequent qualification is obtained as part of the Master's program.
Admission to the Master's program is possible in the winter and summer semesters.
Structure of the program
The part-time master's program comprises four semesters for modules and two semesters for the master's thesis. In the first semesters, you will acquire the theoretical and practical foundations.
An extensive range of compulsory electives and a very large selection of possible modules allow you to specialize in exactly the content that lies within your own area of interest and activity.
Compulsory modules
- IT Strategy and Management in Public Administration
- Current developments and trends in e-government
- Development of Specialized Procedures
- Mobile computing
- ERP Systems in Public Administration
- Key Technologies in Public Administration
- AI and Data Science in Public Administration
- E-Government Practice Project
Selection of possible electives*
- IT Management
- Blockchain Applications for Business
- Introduction to geoinformation systems and geoinformatics
- Computer Networking and Secure Network Management Interactive Online
- Usability for engineers and computer scientists
- Business Intelligence and Reporting
- Advanced C++ Programming
- Mainframe Programming I
- Mainframe Programming II
- SAP business processes: Logistics overview, production and customizing
- Basics and application areas of electronic commerce
- Application of Medical Technology
- E-Health - Information Management in Healthcare
- The R and RStudio Environment
- Basics of Intercultural Communication
- Psychology - basic concepts and applications
- Information Retrieval
- Public procurement law
- Technology and law
- Media law
- Bavarian constitutional law
- General tax law
- European protection of fundamental rights
- Negotiation, conflict management and mediation
- Contract drafting and contract management
- Introduction to personnel management
- ...
*) Non-binding list. The specific modules offered in each semester are announced in the module handbook or, in the case of VHB modules that can be recognized, are determined by the examination board of the Master in Information Systems in Public Administration. The compulsory elective area comprises a total of 20 ECTS. At least 8 ECTS are to be acquired in the area of subject-related compulsory elective modules, which serve to deepen skills in selected specialist areas of computer science. In the area of interdisciplinary compulsory elective modules, from which at least 8 ECTS should also be earned, the understanding of the use of operational application systems in public administration is expanded under legal or economic aspects; at the same time or instead, these modules offer the opportunity to develop social and personal skills as well as language and intercultural skills in relation to the study objectives.
In the fifth/sixth semester, you will write your Master's thesis (30 ECTS). This can be done in the public sector or outside.