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Department for Continuing Education

Compliance, IT and Data Protection M.B.A.

Project work at the interface of law, IT and data protection is particularly suited to successfully managing the interdisciplinary legal and technical challenges of digitization, Industry 4.0 and eGovernment in private and public companies.

The interdisciplinary project master combines the competence fields of compliance, IT and data protection. The use of Big Data, AI applications and cloud computing makes processes more complex and agile. Innovative project management reflects these challenges. Traditional ways of working are being put to the test and replaced by new, agile or hybrid project structures.


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Accredited Master's program

In addition to traditional knowledge transfer, you will learn agile and hybrid approaches to project work, which you will try out directly in the modules of the Master's programme. Experienced lecturers from academia and practice will prepare you professionally and personally for the challenges of everyday work as a compliance officer, data protection or anti-corruption officer, project manager or technical expert in the private sector, in associations or in public administration.

The interdisciplinary project master's program places particular emphasis on in-depth, practice-oriented qualifications. This is demonstrated by the completion of a project and a master's thesis.

Content of the modules 

The accredited part-time master's programme combines the fields of compliance, IT and data protection as areas of expertise for students who aspire to a project-oriented career.

The interdisciplinary project master's degree in Compliance, IT and Data Protection provides you with in-depth knowledge that you can immediately apply to projects, qualifying you to work as a project manager or subject matter expert in business and government.

  • Compliance officer/manager ind business and government
  • Anti-corruption officer in business and government
  • Consultant (compliance, IT and privacy)
  • Project manager focusing on data protection and IT
  • Data protection officer in companies and public administration
  • Specialist in companies, associations or public administration

Perhaps you would like to become self-employed as an

  • External Data Protection Officer
  • Compliance consultant

  • Successfully completed first degree qualifying for a profession in the fields of computer science, economics or a comparable subject, e.g. law from a university or equivalent, 
  • with a total of at least 210 ECTS (if only 180 ECTS are required, a subsequent qualification must be obtained)
  • with an overall grade of 2.5 or better, and
  • evidence of at least one year of relevant professional experience*.

This programme is taught in German.  Further information on the language certificate required can be found here.

*Alternatively, you can start with a certificate course and make up the work experience

Tanja Schaller, Technical Assistance Research, Knowledge and Technology Transfer

Prof. Dr. Beatrix Weber,  Program Head

Blended Learning concept

The interdisciplinary master's programme "Compliance IT and Data Protection" uses the blended learning method. By combining face-to-face sessions in Würzburg with self-directed online learning units, the advantages of face-to-face and self-study are used to provide high-quality teaching with the greatest possible flexibility.

The practical blocks in Würzburg focus on systematic familiarisation with new content, personal discussion and debate with lecturers and fellow students. 

In self-study, you will work on specially designed online modules with preparatory and follow-up learning materials at a time and place that suits you best. Video tutorials allow you to interact with your tutors.

Career Service

Compliance, IT und Datenschutz

Degree awarded
Department for Continuing Education
4 semesters
Winter and summer semester
Application period

Summer semester: November 15 - January 15

Winter semester: May 01 - July 15

Tuition fees
12.600 € plus student union fee
Language of instruction
Face-to-face sessions in Würzburg and online


Here you can see your timetable in the weekly overview and will be informed about timetable changes.



Campus Hof

The campus is the management and administrative center of the university. Here you will find the university library, high-tech laboratories and university sports facilities.

More about Campus Hof

What we want to convey

Module Compliance Basics

Module Law in-depth

Module Data Protection Law

Module Risk Management

Module Data Protection Compliance

Module Compliance in-depth

Module Organizational Ethics and Values

Modul Prozessmanagement


Prof. Dr. Beatrix Weber

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Jürgen Lehmann

Prof. Dr. Carsten Stark

Dr. Stefanie Lejeune

Karsten Bartels

Prof. Dr. Willi Darr
