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Prof. Dr. Stefan Wengler

Institute for Information Systems (iisys)
Research Group Leader RG Empirical Research & User Experience

Business Department

Prof. Dr. Stefan Wengler | Hof University of Applies Sciences

Contact details


Hochschule Hof
Alfons-Goppel-Platz 1
95028 Hof


Campus Hof | Building C | Room C116

Office hours

Wednesday: 13:00 - 14:00
Appointment via eMail


General Business Management, particularly Marketing

Task area

Professor of Marketing


  • Professor of Marketing & Sales
    • Head of the research group "Empirical Research & User Experience" (ERUX) at the Institute of Information Systems (iisys)
    • since 2024 Research Professor
    • 2015-2020 International Representative of the Faculty W
    • 2010-2016 Head of the MBA program "German Indian Management Studies"
  • Winner of the "Outstanding Paper Award 2022" of the "Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing" (JBIM)
  • many years of professional experience in marketing & sales (incl. digital transformation)
  • Ph.D on "Economic Value of Key Account Management" with Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Michael Kleinaltenkamp, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
  • Studies of Business Administration and Economics (Degree: Diplom-Kaufmann)
    • Julius Maximilians University, Würzburg, Germany
    • University of Texas at Austin, Texas, U.S.A.
    • Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany

Jointly with his colleague Dr. Joachim Riedl, Dr. Wengler heads the research group "Empirical Research & User Experience" (ERUX) at the Institute for Information Systems at Hof University of Applied Sciences (iisys). The research group ERUX aims to contribute with its research projects to a more customer-oriented development of digital systems by making human-machine interfaces more user-friendly in the future and by making digital systems more intuitive to use.

Dr. Wengler's research currently focuses on the areas of:

  •     Digital transformation in sales
  •     Autonomous driving & customer acceptance
  •     Multi-stage marketing (MSM) in business markets
  •     Strategic Global/Key Account Management
  •     International Product Development
    • Doing Business in India
    • Market entry strategies for the Indian market
    • Global expansion strategies of Indian companies
    • Market & industry structure analysis in selected industries
    • Production/distribution site selection in India

In addition, Dr. Wengler is a reviewer/external examiner for

  • Industrial Marketing Management
  • Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing
  • Journal of Business Market Management
  • Ph.D.-Theses of various international universities such as the "University of South Australia" in Adelaide, Australia, as well as the "Anna University of Technology" in Coimbatore, India.

Dr. Wengler is actively involved in the following international organizations & associations:

  • Access Marketing Management e.V. (AccessMM)
  • Business Research Center for Issues of Medium-Sized Businesses e.V. (BF/M)
  • Europäisches Management Institut e.V. an der Hochschule Hof (emi)
  • Global Sales Science Institute (GSSI)
  • Working Group "Business-to-Business Marketing/Sales" of the 'Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Marketing' (AfM)
  • Association for Key Account Management (AKAM)

In recent years, Dr. Wengler has published the following publications as monographs or articles in scientific journals and edited volumes:

  • Publications in 2024
    • Vossebein, U., Hildmann, G., & Wengler, S. (2024). Lead-Management: Prozesse - Menschen - Daten. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden, Germany.
    • Riedl, J., Wengler, S., Czaban, M., Mohr, S. V., & Steudtel, S. (2024). Studien zur Mensch-Maschine-Schnittstelle bei Fahrerassistenzsystemen auf dem Weg zum autonomen Fahren. Reihe User Acceptance Research, 1, Hof, Germany.
    • Riedl, J., Wengler, S., Czaban, M., Mohr, S. V., & Steudtel, S. (2024). Studies on the Human-Machine-Interface in Advanced Driver Assistance Systems towards Autonomous Driving. Series User Acceptance Research, 1, Hof, Germany.
  • Publications in 2023
    • Riedl, J., Wengler, S., Czaban, M., & Steudtel, S. (2023). Sexism in Advertisement. MARKETING SCIENCE & INSPIRATIONS, 18(3), 2-16.
    • Wengler, S. (2023). The new Strategic Global Account Management. AKAM Bulletin, September 2023, 10-13.
    • Wengler, S., & Kolk, M. (2023). Applying multi-stage marketing in industrial markets: Exploratory insights on its successful implementation, management and adaptation in dynamic markets. Industrial Marketing Management, 108, 205–222.
  • Publications in 2022
    • Trompeter, S., Nase, M., & Wengler, S. (2022). Biokunststoffe als Verpackungsmaterial für Lebensmittel – Eine empirische Studie zur gesellschaftlichen Akzeptanz. AccessMM Consumer Insights, Access Marketing Management e.V., Weidenberg, Germany.
    • Johnson, C. M., Wengler, S., Hildmann, G., & Vossebein, U. (2022). Creating Value for Customers and Companies in a Changing World. Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference of the Global Sales Science Institute, Jun8-11 2022, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
    • Riedl, J., Gansser, O., Schäfer, F., Wengler, S., & Wolfrum, B. (2022). Digitalisierung Deutschland 2022. Reihe Praktisches Marketing, Access Marketing Management e.V., Weidenberg, Germany.
  • Publications in 2021
    • Steudtel, S., Riedl, J., Wengler, S. (2021). Bedienbarkeit von Parkassistenzsystemen – Eye-Tracking Studie zur Analyse und Verbesserung der Bedienung eines Parkassistenten. AccessMM Consumer Insights, Access Marketing Management e.V., Weidenberg, Germany.
    • Wengler, S., Hildmann, G., & Vossebein, U. (2021). Sales excellence in the digital era: towards a new conceptual framework. Deeter, Dawn (ed.). Proceedings of the 14th Annual Conference of the Global Sales Science Institute, Jun7-9 2021, Toronto, Canada.
    • Hautamäki, P., Wengler, S., Überwimmer, M., & Füreder, R. (2021). Sales skills in the digital era: Is it time to form the B2B sales skill set all over again?. Deeter, Dawn (ed.). Proceedings of the 14th Annual Conference of the Global Sales Science Institute, Jun7-9 2021, Toronto, Canada.
    • Überwimmer, M., Hautamäki, P., Wengler, S., & Füreder, R. (2021). Sales organizations on the path of digitalization – A reflection from Germany, Finland and Austria. Überwimmer, M., Füreder, R., & Schmidthaler, M. (eds.). Proceedings of the 10th Cross-Cultural Business Conference 2021, May6 2021, Steyr, Austria.
    • Wengler, S., Hildmann, G., & Vossebein, U. (2021). Digital transformation in sales as an evolving process. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 36(4), 599-614.
    • Riedl, J., Gansser, O., Schäfer, F., Wengler, S., & Wolfrum, B. (2021). Glaubwürdigkeit: Biosiegel und Biohandel in Deutschland 2021. AccessMM Consumer Insights, Access Marketing Management e.V., Weidenberg, Germany.
    • Riedl, J., & Wengler, S. (2021). Coronafolgen im Personalmanagement. Europäisches Management Institut e.V., Hof, Germany.
  • Publications in 2020
    • Wengler, S. (2020). Grundlagen des Marketing im Digitalen Zeitalter: Theorien - Methoden - Fallbeispiele. Access Marketing Management e.V., Weidenberg, Germany.
    • Wengler, S. (2020). Principles of Marketing in the Digital Era: Theories - Tools - Case Studies. Access Marketing Management e.V., Weidenberg, Germany.
    • Riedl, J., Wengler, S., & Steudtel, S. (2020). Der Stellenwert des autonomen Fahrens – Fahrerassistenzsysteme auf dem Weg zum autonomen Fahren im Vergleich zu anderen Kriterien aus Konsumentensicht. AccessMM Consumer Insights, Access Marketing Management e.V., Weidenberg, Germany.
    • Wengler, S. (2020). Denkanstöße zur Zukunft des Vertriebs. Profil Magazin, Aug 2020.
    • Riedl, J., Gansser, O., Schäfer, F., & Wengler, S. (2020). Biohandel zu Corona-Zeiten in Deutschland 2020: Empirische Fakten aus Konsumentensicht. AccessMM Consumer Insights, Access Marketing Management e.V., Weidenberg, Germany.
    • Überwimmer, M., Hautamäki, P., Wengler, S., Hildmann, G., Vossebein, U., & Füreder, R. (2020). Digital transformation in B2B sales – differences and best practices in three different European countries. Marketing Science & Inspiration, 25(2), 40-48.
    • Wengler, S., Hildmann, G., & Vossebein, U. (2020). Digital transformation in sales as an evolutionary process. Tanner, J. F./Fournier, C. (eds.). Proceedings of the Annual Global Sales Science Institute Conference, Montpellier, France.
    • Wengler, S., Schelter, A., & Zips, S. (2020). Autonomous Driving in Germany: Disruption, customer acceptance & the use of potential diffusion drivers. Access Marketing Management e.V., Weidenberg, Germany.
  • Publications in 2019
    • Riedl, J., & Wengler, S. (2019). Autonomous Driving 2019 - Driving Forces and Restrictions on the Way to Autonomous Driving from the Perspective of Drivers. AccessMM Consumer Insights, Access Marketing Management e.V., Weidenberg, Germany.
    • Wengler, S., Hildmann, G., & Vossebein, U. (2019). Die digitale Transformation als evolutionärer Prozess. Sales Excellence, 28(12), 40-43.
    • Wengler, S., Hildmann, G., & Vossebein, U. (2019). Regaining Influence in the Sales Process by Implementing an integrated Market Intelligence. Davis, L., & Hautamäki, P. (eds.). Proceedings on 'The Sales Ecosystem – defining and exploring how various levels of connection and interaction affect the selling process', Panama.
    • Wengler, S., Hildmann, G., & Vossebein, U. (2019). Digitale Transformation im Mittelstand – Market Intelligence als Grundpfeiler eines erfolgreichen Vertriebs. Informatik Aktuell, 17.09.2019.
    • Wengler, S., Hildmann, G., & Vossebein, U. (2019). Digitale Transformation im Mittelstand: Den richtigen Einstieg finden. Informatik Aktuell, 28.05.2019.
    • Wengler, S., Hildmann, G., & Vossebein, U. (2019). Digitale Transformation im Mittelstand: Die Herausforderungen liegen nicht (nur) in der IT. Informatik Aktuell, 09.04.2019.
    • Wengler, S., Schelter, A., & Zips, S. (2019). Autonomes Fahren in Deutschland - Disruption, Kundenakzeptanz und die mögliche Nutzung von Diffusionstreibern. Access Marketing Management e.V., Weidenberg, Germany.
  • Publications in 2018
    • Wengler, S., Hildmann, G., & Vossebein, U. (2018). Die Vertriebshoheit durch Digitalisierung zurückerobern. Sales Excellence, 27(12), 44-47.
    • Riedl, J., & Wengler, S. (2018). Biohandel Deutschland 2018 - Empirische Fakten aus Konsumentensicht - Händlerpositionierung - Strategie. Reihe Praktisches Marketing, Access Marketing Management e.V., Weidenberg, Germany.
    • Wengler, S., Hildmann, G., & Vossebein, U. (2018). The business type as the starting point for digital transformation in sales management. Leach, M., Pezenka, I., & Prem, M. (eds.): Proceedings on 'Sales 2020 - Managing customer relationships in disruptive environments', Vienna, Austria.
  • Publications in 2017
    • Wengler, S., Hildmann, G., & Vossebein, U. (2017). Digitale Transformation im Vertrieb ist eine Frage des Geschäftstyps. Sales Management Review, 26(6), 58-65.
    • Wengler, S., Hildmann, G., & Vossebein, U. (2017). Status-Quo on the Digitalization of the Sales Process in German companies. Dixon, A., & Le Bon, J. (eds.). Proceedings on 'New Frontiers in Sales Research & Education in a global & sustainable World', Mauritius.
  • Publications in 2016
    • Zips, S., & Wengler, S. (2016). Schokolade 2014 - Positionierung führender Hersteller von Tafelschokolade. Reihe Praktisches Marketing, Access Marketing Management e.V., Weidenberg, Germany.
  • Publications in 2015
    • Wengler, S. (2015). Breeding the Key Account Manager of Tomorrow. Deeter-Schmelz, D., Hosoi, K., & Tsuye, K. (eds.). Proceedings on 'Sales Force Skill Development: How can we improve Selling Ability?', Hiroshima. Japan.
    • Chatrath, S., & Wengler, S. (2015). Sportmarketing aus Sicht der Neuen Institutionenökonomik. Fließ, S., Haase, M., Jacob, F., & Ehret, M. (eds). Kundenintegration und Leistungslehre: Integrative Wertschöpfung in Dienstleistungen, Solutions und Entrepreneurship, Berlin, Germany.
  • Publications in 2014
    • Wengler, S. (2014). The Appropriateness of the Key Account Management Organization. Woodburn, D., & Wilson, K. (eds.). Handbook of Strategic Account Management, Chichester, UK.
  • Publications in 2010
    • Chatrath, S., & Wengler, S. (2010). Yield Management im Profifußball. Maenning, W. (ed.). Sport.Stadt.Ökonomik. Schorndorf, Germany.
  • Publications in 2009
    • Chatrath, S., & Wengler, S. (2009). Preisfindung für und Bewertung von Sportsponsorships. Horch, H.-D., Breuer, C., Hovemann, G., Kaiser, S., & Walzel, S. (eds.): Sport, Medien und Kommunikation. Köln, Germany.
    • Chatrath, S., & Wengler, S. (2009). Preisfindung für und Bewertung von Sportsponsorships, Berliner Reihe zum Marketing, Working Paper #5, Berlin, Germany.
  • Publications in 2007
    • Wengler, S. (2007). The Appropriateness of the Key Account Management Organization. Journal of Business Market Management, 1(4), 253-272.
  • Publications in 2006
    • Wengler, S. (2006). Key Account Management in Business-to-Business-Markets – An Assessment of its Economic Value. Gabler, Wiesbaden, Germany.
    • Wengler, S., Ehret, M., & Saab, S. (2006). Implementation of key account management – who, why, how?. Industrial Marketing Management, 35(1), 103-112.
  • Publications in 2004
    • Kleinaltenkamp, M., Dahlke, B., & Wengler, S. (2004). Customer relationship management auf Business-to-Business Märkten. Hippner, H., & Wilde, K. D. (eds.). Management von CRM-Projekten. Gabler, Wiesbaden, Germany.
  • Publications in 2003
    • Frauendorf, J., & Wengler, S. (2003). Improving supplier-customer interaction in business-to-business markets – how blueprints and cognitive scripts will make the interaction process in KAM more transparent. Proceedings, 3rd International Marketing Conference of ESCP-EAP 2003, Venice, Italy.

In the past years, Dr. Wengler has given the following lectures and presentations:

  • Lectures & Presentations in 2024
    • "Cost inflation & price pressure – what’s their impact on your business", 3rd Meeting of the International Business Excellence Forum, Mar26 2024, Bayreuth (Germany)/Turku (Finland).
    • "Introduction to India – a German Perspective", Guest Lecture in the Course "Cross-Cultural Management", Mar16 2023, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (Unimore), Modena, Italy.
    • "The Future of Strategic Global Account Management", Kick-off-Meeting of the International Business Excellence Forum, Jan23 2024, Bayreuth (Germany)/Turku (Finland).
  • Lectures & Presentations in 2023
    • "From a dyadic to a stakeholder‐centric concept of value and value creation", Workshop on "Value and valuation: Foundations and interdisciplinary perspectives", Sep26 2023, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany.
    • "The future of Strategic Global Account Management", Keynote at the AKAM Annual Meeting, Jun21 2023, ISEG - Institute of Economics and Management, Lisbon, Portugal.
    • "Developing complex innovations in value-creating networks: conceptual and exploratory insights in the automobile industry from a multi-stage marketing perspective", CBIM 2023 International Conference, Jun13 2023, Graz, Austria.
    • "Sexism in Advertisements – a cross-cultural analysis", 12th Cross-Cultural Business Conference at University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, May11 2023, Steyr, Austria.
    • "Introduction to India – a German Perspective", Guest Lecture in the Course "Cross-Cultural Management", Mar16 2023, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (Unimore), Modena, Italy.
    • "Developing complex innovations in value creating networks: Conceptual and exploratory insights in the automobile industry from a multi stage marketing perspective", 6th Industrial Marketing Management Summit, Jan19 2023, Otto-Friedrich-Universität, Bamberg, Germany.
  • Lectures & Presentations in 2022
    • "Auf dem Weg zur Sales Excellence – Chancen & Herausforderungen", Festvortrag im Rahmen der Mitgliederversammlung des BF/M-Bayreuth, Nov21 2022, Bayreuth, Germany
    • "How customer-oriented is my KAM organization really? Towards a new excellence of customer-oriented KAM processes", Cranfield KAM Best Practice Forum, Sep15 2022, Cranfield, UK.
    • "User Experience Forschung an der Hochschule Hof - Vorstellung der Forschungsgruppe ERUX", IZK Unternehmerfrühstück, Jun24 2022, Kronach, Germany.
    • "Digitalisierung Deutschland 2022", AccessMM Business Talk, Apr5 2022, Hof, Germany.
    • "Autonomous Driving in Germany – empirical insights on the status-quo", Global and Science Studies, Jan21 2022, Yamaguchi University, Yamaguchi, Japan.
    • "Applying Multi-Stage Marketing in Industrial Markets and Its Implications for the Salesforce of Component and Consumables Manufacturers", 5th Industrial Marketing Management Summit, Jan20 2022, Fox School of Business, Temple University, Philadelphia, USA.
  • Lectures & Presentations in 2021
    • "Zu Hause in der Welt. Was bedeutet ‚glokal‘ in Zeiten von Pandemie und digitaler Transformarmation?", Rotary Club Hof-Bayern, Jul19 2021, Hof, Germany.
    • "Sales excellence in the digital era: towards a new conceptual framework", 15th Annual Conference of the Global Sales Science Institute on 'Yin and the Yang: Exploring the Bright and the Dark Sides of Selling and Sales Management', Jun7-9 2021, Toronto, Canada.
    • "Sales skills in the digital era: Is it time to form the B2B sales skill set all over again?", 15th Annual Conference of the Global Sales Science Institute on 'Yin and the Yang: Exploring the Bright and the Dark Sides of Selling and Sales Management', Jun7-9 2021, Toronto, Canada.
    • "Sales organizations on the path of digitalization – A reflection from Germany, Finland and Austria", 10th Cross-Cultural Business Conference at University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, May9 2021, Steyr, Austria.
    • "Coronafolgen im Personalmanagement: Ergebnisse und Auswirkungen", ProComp/Personet e.V.: "Personalmanagement digitaliseren - heute an übermorgen denken", Mar24 2021, Marktredwitz, Germany.
    • "Corona - ein echter Katalysator der Digitalen Transformation?", AccessMM Business Talk, Mar11 2021, Hof, Germany.
  • Lectures & Presentations in 2020
    • "Digital Transformation in sales as an evolutionary process", Society for Marketing Advances’ 2020 Conference, Special Track of the “Global Sales Science Institute”, Virtual Conference, Nov5 2020.
    • "Digital Transformation in Sales: Differences and best practices in three European countries", 9th Cross-Cultural Business Conference at University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Mai14 2020, Steyr, Austria.
  • Lectures & Presentations in 2019
    • "The Future of the Sales Force", 5th Sales & Purchasing Excellence Week der Turku University of Applied Sciences , Nov18-20 2019, Turku, Finnland.
    • "Von der Market-Intelligence zur Lead-Generierung", Ringvorlesung "Digitale Ökonomie, Industrie 4.0 & das 'Internet der Dinge'" an der Hochschule Hof, Nov6 2019, Hof, Germany.
    • "Regaining Influence in the Sales Process by Implementing an integrated Market Intelligence", 13th Annual Conference of the Global Sales Science Institute on 'The Sales Ecosystem – defining and exploring how various levels of connection and interaction affect the selling process', Jun5-8 2019, Panama.
    • "Autonomes Fahren - Akzeptanz von Fahrerassistenzsystemen", 9. IT-Forum Oberfranken 2019: "design it – Neue Perspektiven für die digitale Welt", Mar14 2019, Coburg, Germany
  • Lectures & Presentations in 2018
    • "Market Intelligence im Vertrieb", Ringvorlesung "Digitale Ökonomie, Industrie 4.0 & das 'Internet der Dinge'" an der Hochschule Hof, Dec12 2018, Hof, Germany.
    • "The business type as the starting point for digital transformation in sales management", 12th Annual Conference of the Global Sales Science Institute on 'Sales 2020 ‐ Managing customer relationships in disruptive environments', Jun6-9 2018, Vienna, Austria.
    • "Digitalisierung im Vertrieb - eine Bestandsaufnahme des oberfränkischen Mittelstandes", 8. IT-Forum Oberfranken 2018 zum Thema "Der Mensch im Mittelpunkt der Digitalisierung", Mar15 2018, Bayreuth, Germany.
    • "Digitalisierung im Vertrieb - eine Bestandsaufnahme des oberfränkischen Mittelstandes", Ringvorlesung "Digitale Ökonomie, Industrie 4.0 & das 'Internet der Dinge'" an der Hochschule Hof, Jan17 2018, Hof, Germany.
    • "Digitale Revolution: Warum wir gerade jetzt MINT brauchen...", Key-Note-Speaker auf den Selber MINT-Tagen 2018, Jan16 2018, Schloss Eckersreuth, Selb, Germany.
  • Lectures & Presentations in 2017
    • "The Impact of Electric Mobility and Autonomous Driving on the Global Automobile Industry - a German Perspective", Guest Lectures an der University of the Sunshine Coast in Sippy Downs und dem International College of Management in Sydney, Oct24-30 2017, Australia.
    • "Status-Quo on the Digitalization of the Sales Process in German companies", 11th Annual Conference of the Global Sales Science Institute on 'New Frontiers in Sales Research & Education in a global & sustainable World', Jun6-9 2017, Mauritius.
  • Lectures & Presentations in 2016
    • "Skilling in India - a German Perspective", 3. Workshop der 'Make in India Mittelstand'-Initiative der Indischen Botschaft in Deutschland, Jan27-28 2016, Hof, Germany.
    • "Developing the Indo-German Manager of Tomorrow", 3. Workshop der 'Make in India Mittelstand'-Initiative der Indischen Botschaft in Deutschland, Jan27-28 2016, Hof, Germany.
  • Lectures & Presentations in 2015
    • "Breeding the Key Account Manager of Tomorrow", 9th Annual Conference of the Global Sales Science Institute on 'Sales Force Skill Development: How can we improve selling ability?', Jun11-14 2015, Hiroshima, Japan.
    • "Indische Talente Willkommen! – Fachkräftepotenzial für KMUs am Beispiel des MBA-Programms 'German-Indian Management Studies'", Seminar der BayernLB zum Thema "Vertriebs- und Personalmanagement in Indien: Best Practices bei Handelsvertretung, Joint Venture und Tochtergesellschaft", Nov10 2015, München, Germany.
    • "Breeding the Key Account Manager of Tomorrow", 'Sales Excellence Week 2015' der Turku University of Applied Sciences, Nov18-22 2015, Turku, Finnland.
    • "The Selection of Key Accounts", 'Sales Excellence Week 2015' der Turku University of Applied Sciences, Nov18-22 2015, Turku, Finnland.
  • Lectures & Presentations in 2014
    • "Doing Business in Germany - Opportunities & Challenges", Key Note auf der dritten Internationalen Konferenz des Sree Narayana Gurukulam College of Engineering, Nov7 2014, Kottayam, India.
    • "Doing Business in Germany - Opportunities & Challenges", Key Note auf der 'International Conference on Sustain, Transform and Transcend…' zum den 'Golden Jubilee Celebrations' des PSG Institute of Management, Aug7 2014, Coimbatore, India.
  • Lectures & Presentations in 2013
    • "Introduction to MBA Program 'German Indian Management Studies", Einladung der Indo-German Chamber of Commerce und des Deutschen Generalkonsultates, May16 2013 in Coimbatore, India.
    • "Introduction to MBA Program 'German Indian Management Studies", German Indian Round Table (GIRT-Chapter Coimbatore), May13 2013, Coimbatore, India.
    • "Selected Reflections on Doing Business in Germany", BMWi Managerfortbildung einer indischen Wirtschaftsdelegation, Mar18 2013, Hof, Germany.
  • Lectures & Presentations in 2012
    • "Systematische Entwicklung von High Potentials aus Indien", vbw Hochschulmesse, Jun13 2012, Bayreuth, Germany.
  • Lectures & Presentations in 2011
    • "Lifelong tickets: Financing professional sport venues in an era of austerity - an empirical study from German professional football", 19th Annual European Sportmanagement Conference, Sep7-10 2011, Madrid, Spain.
  • Lectures & Presentations in 2010
    • "Customer Segmentation of the Spectator Market in Professional Football", 18th Annual European Sportmanagement Conference, Sep15-18 2010, Prague, Czech Republic.
  • Lectures & Presentations in 2009
    • "Yield Management in Professional Soccer", 17th Annual European Sportmanagement Conference, Sep16-19 2009, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
    • "Yield Management im Profifußball", 13. Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises Sportökonomie e.V., May8-9 2009, Berlin, Germany.
    • "Aktuelle Trends in der Preisfindung für und Bewertung von Sportsponsorships", Sportfive GmbH Co. KG, Apr21 2009, Hamburg, Germany.
  • Lectures & Presentations in 2008
    • "Pricing for Sport Sponsorships", 6. Deutscher Sportökonomie-Kongress, Nov19-21 2008, Cologne, Germany
  • Lectures & Presentations in 2006
    • "Verfügungsrechte im Profifußball - eine Analyse aus Sicht des Property-Rights-Ansatzes", Disputationsvortrag an der Freien Universität Berlin, Apr24 2006, Berlin, Germany.
  • Lectures & Presentations in 2003
    • "Improving supplier-customer interaction in business-to-business markets – how blueprints and cognitive scripts will make the interaction process in KAM more transparent", 3rd International Marketing Conference of ESCP-EAP 2003, Venice, Italy.

All students who wish to write a thesis (Bachelor/Master) with Dr. Wengler must have previously completed an examination in one of his lectures, seminars or colloquiums and achieved a grade of at least 2.0 or better. In addition, Dr. Wengler only supervises theses, which are written in cooperation with a company.

In principle, the process works as follows:

  1. Preparation by the student
    Choose a topic and describe in a two-page exposé the problem and objective of your thesis as well as the approach you have in mind. Together with a rough outline, please send both documents to Prof. Dr. Wengler and make an appointment.
  2. Initial interview
    The first meeting serves to determine the topic, to discuss your first outline and to clarify formal questions.
  3. Second interview
    In the second meeting, the outline will be revised, further questions will be clarified, and the thesis will be registered.
  4. Third interview
    In the third meeting, the outline may be revised again; however, the main purpose of the third meeting is to clarify any further questions that may have arisen during the preparation of the paper on the part of the student.
  5. Submission of the thesis
    In light of changes in the Department's guidelines, please note the following: If you plan to graduate by 9/30, your thesis would need to be submitted by 8/31; if you plan to graduate by 3/14, your thesis would need to be submitted to me no later than 2/28.

Topic Selection

Students who do not yet have their own ideas for an adequate topic can get some ideas below:

  • Digitalization in sales
    • Development of market intelligence systems
    • Customer journey analyses
    • Development of new KPI systems
  • Key account management
    • Customer evaluation & key account selection
    • Development of key account management strategies
    • Key account development
  • Internationalization
    • International market entry strategies of companies
    • International expansion strategies of companies from developing countries
  • Product management
    • Development of product management strategies
    • Developments and trends in product development
    • 3-D printing and the implications for product development
  • Analyses of customer acceptance
  • Brand/brand management

Guideline for the preparation of theses

The following guidelines apply to all final theses (Bachelor's thesis & Master's thesis) as well as all seminar papers:

Starting point of the literature research for your final thesis or seminar paper should be the following literature, which is also permanently available in the university library in my semester apparatus:

  • Literature "Principles of Marketing"
    • Wengler, Stefan (2020): "Principles of Marketing in the Digital Age: Theories - Methods - Case Studies", Riedl, J./Wengler, S (editor): AccessMM, Access Marketing Management e.V., Weidenberg 2020.
    • Kuß, Alfred/Kleinaltenkamp, Michael (2020): "Marketing Introduction - Basics, Overview, Examples", 8th, revised edition, Publisher: Gabler, Wiesbaden 2020.
    • Homburg, Christian (2020): "Marketing management: strategy - instruments - implementation - corporate management", 7th, revised edition, Publisher: Gabler, Wiesbaden 2020.
    • Kotler, Philip/Armstrong, Gary/Harris, Lloyd C./Piercy, Nigel (2019): "Fundamentals of Marketing," 7th, updated edition, Publisher: Pearson, Munich 2019.
  • Literature "International Marketing"
    • Backhaus, Klaus/Büschken, Joachim/Voeth, Markus (2005): "International Marketing", Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan, New York 2005.
    • Keegan, Warren J./Green, Mark (2011): "Global Marketing", 6th edition, Publisher: Prentice Hall International, New Jersey 2011.
    • Aaker, David A./McLoughlin, Damien (2010): "Strategic Market Management: Global Perspectives", Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, New York 2010.
    • Kotabe, Masaaki/Helsen, Kristiaan (2011): "Global Marketing Management: International Student Version", 5th edition, Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, New York 2011.
  • Literature "Industrial Marketing Management and Technical Sales"
    • Backhaus, Klaus/Voeth, Markus (2014): "Industriegütermarketing", 10th edition, Publisher: Vahlen, Munich 2014.
    • Kleinaltenkamp, Michael/Plinke, Wulff/Geiger, Ingmar/Jacob, Frank/Söllner, Albrecht (2011): "Geschäftsbeziehungsmanagement: Konzepte, Methoden und Instrumente", 2nd, revised and expanded edition, Verlag: Gabler Verlag, 2011.
    • Kleinaltenkamp, Michael/Saab, Samy (2009): "Technischer Vertrieb: Eine praxisorientierte Einführung in das Business-to-Business-Marketing", 2nd edition, Publisher: Springer, Berlin 2009.
    • Johnston, M. W./Marshall, G. W. (2010): "Sales Force Management", 10th edition, New York et al. 2010.
    • Woodburn, D./Wilson, K. (2014): "Handbook of Strategic Account Management", Chichester 2014.