Prof. Dr. Gerald Schmola studied Health Economics and Philosophy & Economics at the University of Bayreuth. After his studies, he first worked as a research assistant at the Institute for Medical Management and Health Sciences (IMG) at the University of Bayreuth in the project "High Tech Offensive Oberfranken". Then he worked as an assistant to the management board at a large private hospital operator. There, he focused on developing new, innovative care concepts for clinics. Then he took over the management of a clinic in Lower Saxony as Commercial Director in the same group. In 2006, he was appointed Managing Director of a privately owned clinic in Bavaria, for which he worked until the end of 2008.
He completed his doctorate in medical sciences (Dr. rer. medic.) while working at the Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin. In addition to his work in the healthcare sector, Prof. Schmola has lectured in the field of healthcare management at several universities. He is also a certified quality management auditor and strategic purchaser in the healthcare sector.
In 2009, Prof. Schmola received a call to a professorship for hospital management at the Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University. In the winter semester 2011/12, he moved to Hof University of Applied Sciences, where he represents the teaching area of healthcare management at the Faculty of Economics. He is also scientific director of the Institute for Continuing Education.
Prof. Schmola also advises several major providers in the healthcare industry and offers company seminars on various topics. In addition, he is the author of various specialist books and articles. Together with TATA Interactive System, he has developed a cloud-based competitive hospital simulation game, which is used in several companies and universities.
Below you will find a selection of my publications (from 2014):
- Schmola G, Rapp B (2014) Grundlagen des Krankenhausmanagements - Betriebswirtschaftliches und rechtliches Basiswissen, Kohlhammer Verlag, Stuttgart.
- Schmola G (2014) Gesundheitsgespräche als Instrument zur Reduzierung von Fehlzeiten im Krankenhaus, in: das krankenhaus, June 2014 issue, pp. 548-552.
- Schmola G (2014) Clinical pathways - A management challenge for hospitals, in: KU Gesundheitsmanagement, July 2014 issue, pp. 58-61.
- Schmola G (2014) Kooperationen aus Krankenhaussicht - Schritt für Schritt zur erfolgreichen Kooperation, in: das krankenhaus, August 2014 issue, pp. 728-731.
- Schmola G (2014) Planspiele im Krankenhaus - Ein geeignetes Instrument zur Personalentwicklung und -auswahl?, in: KU Gesundheitsmanagement, Issue September 2014; pp. 28-31.
- Schmola G (2015) Work and family in harmony - Measures to improve the work-life balance, in KU Gesundheitsmanagement, Issue May 2015, pp. 28-30.
- Schmola G (2015) Corporate Responsibility - Krankenhäuser nachhaltig und verantwortlich führen, Kohlhammer Verlag, Stuttgart.
- Schmola G (2015) Corporate Responsibility: leading hospitals responsibly and sustainably. Stuttgart: Verlag W. Kohlhammer.Schmola G (2015) Risk factor: corruption - elements of a successful prevention strategy, in: KU Gesundheitsmanagement, Issue 10/2015, pp. 56-58.
- Schmola G (2015) Compliance in hospitals, in: Health & Care Management, issue 11/2015, pp. 54-55.
- Schmola G (2015) Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Hospitals: Is DIN ISO 26000 a suitable guideline for the development of a CSR concept in hospitals?, in: das Krankenhaus, issue 11/2015, pp. 1019-1023.
- Schmola G, Frosch Z (2015) Redesigning the nursing organization: balancing act between patient-oriented care and economic efficiency, in: KU Gesundheitsmanagement, issue 12/2015, pp. 44- 46.
- Schmola G (2016) Modern human resource management in hospitals: the concept of employee relationship management. Stuttgart: Verlag W. Kohlhammer.
- Schmola G, Rapp B (2016) (Eds.) Compliance, governance and risk management in hospitals: legal requirements - practical implementation - sustainable organization. Wiesbaden: Springer.
- Schmola G (2016) Fundamentals and instruments of risk management, in Schmola G, Rapp B (2016) (eds.) Compliance, governance and risk management in hospitals: legal requirements - practical implementation - sustainable organization, pp. 289-339. Wiesbaden: Springer.
- Schmola G (2016) Admission management in hospitals, in Pfannstiel M, Rasche C, Mehlich H (eds.) Service management in hospitals - Sustainable value generation beyond operational excellence, pp. 137-160. Wiesbaden: Springer.
- Schmola G (2016) Controlling complex organizations - hospital management as a challenge, in Stark C (ed.) Social Economy, Administrative Sociology Series vol. 5, pp. 155-188, Norderstedt: BoD.
- Schmola G (2016) Compliance - rules for all, in: Die Schwester Der Pfleger, issue 2/2016, pp. 80-82.
- Schmola G (2016) Employee Relationship Management - Beziehungsmanagement als neuer Erfolgsfaktor im Personalmanagement, in: das Krankenhaus, issue 6/2016, pp. 498-500.
- Schmola G (2016) Improving knowledge transfer with relationship transfer: Perspectives of Employee Relastionship Management, in: Klinik - Wissen - Managen, July 2016 issue, pp. 24-26.
- Schmola G (2016) Change management: dealing with resistance, in: Die Schwester Der Pfleger, issue 9/2016, pp. 84-86.
- Schmola G (2016) GRC systems in hospitals: cost types and accounting of implementation and ongoing operations, in: das Krankenhaus, issue 9/2016, pp. 772-776.
- Schmola G (2017) Organizational development in hospitals: Opportunities and challenges of business process reengineering and business process optimization, in: das Krankenhaus, Issue 1/2017, pp. 38-41.
My teaching spectrum focuses on human resource management, business simulations and health management.
Currently, I offer seminars in the following bachelor and master programs at the Faculty of Business and Economics:
Master Personnel and Work
- Project/Case Study Human Resource Management (SS)
Bachelor of Business Administration
- Business management seminar (SS and WS)
- Hospital simulation (SS)
Bachelor program International Management
- International Workshop (WS)
Bachelor program Business Law
- Project/case study RCD, NU (SS)
- Project/case study MG (SS)
At our Institute for Continuing Education my spectrum includes the following events:
Master program International Human Resource Management
- Corporate Governance (WS)
- Leadership, Change, Communication (SS)
- Current trends in human resource management (WS)
Bachelor program in Business Administration (part-time)
- Marketing and Sales (SS)
- Business game (WS)
Bachelor's program in Health and Care Management (part-time)
- Investment and financing of health care facilities
- Case studies in the company
- Business game