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Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Schmid

Institute for Hydrogen and Energy Technology (iwe)
Research Group Leader RG Trace Substance Elimination and Biogenic Hydrogen Production

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Schmid | Hof University of Applies Sciences

Contact details


Hochschule Hof
Alfons-Goppel-Platz 1
95028 Hof


Campus Hof | Building C | Room C110

Office hours

Thursday: 11:30 - 12:30
Announcement via e-mail


Water and Wastewater Treatment




Professional Experiences


1991  Engineer for small waste-water treatment plants - Research & Development, Consultancy services at DYWIDAG-Umweltschutztechnik GmbH, Munich


1993 - 1997 Biochemical-Engineer for Environmental Systems Engineering at DORSCH CONSULT Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH, Munich; Section Hydrology - Foreign Affairs

Experiences abroad: Republic of Yemen, Tunisia


2001 - 2005 Head of Innovation-Management Devision at EMU Unterwasserpumpen GmbH, Hof

Since 2003 incooparation of EMU by WILO AG

Since 2004 Head of Process Technology Department


2005 - 2007 Freelance Consultant in Environmental and Biochemical Engineering


2007 - 2011 Project Manager Research & Consultancy - Water and Energy at Papiertechnische Stiftung, Munich


2011 -  Full Professor for water and wastewater treatment at the University of Applied Sciences, Hof


2018  Visiting Professor at PSG College of Technology Coimbatore –  Department of Biotechnology, Anna University, India.

Funded by GIAN - Global Initiative on Academic Networks


2022 -  Research Professorship at the University of Applied Sciences, Hof



Appreciation by DECHEMA - Willy Hager Foundation

Appreciation by ATV-DVWK - Karl Imhoff Award

Appointment by GIAN ( Global Initiative of Academic Network)

Appreciation by IWA Publishing

Appreciation by DWA (Anaerobic processes)

Apointment by DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service)


Schmid A.: Das Phänomen der „Biologischen Resonanz“ - Basis zur Optimierung biologischer Reinigungsstufen. Mitteilungen des Instituts für Wasserwesen der Universität der Bundeswehr, München - Heft 72/2000, Oldenbourg Industrieverlag München, 2000.  ISBN 3-486-26444-3

Schmid A.: Methode zur Bestimmung der mikrobiellen Aktivität auf Basis einer zeitlichen Sauerstoffzehrungsmessung. GWF Wasser / Abwasser, 141, 12, 861 - 864, 2000.

Schmid A.: Ansatz zur Optimierung biologischer Reinigungsstufen durch das Phänomen der „Biologischen Resonanz“. Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoff-Forschung, 13, 4, 249 - 250, 2001. DOI: 10.1007/BF03038264

Schmid A.: Optimierungs-Szenario biologischer Abwasser-Reinigungsstufen unter Nutzung des Phänomens der „Biologischen Resonanz“. Korrespondenz Abwasser, 49, 4, 464 - 468, 2002.

Schmid A.: Increasing the catabolic activity in activated sludge by the phenomenon of "Biological Resonance". Environmental Science & Pollution Research, 9, 4, 227 - 229, 2002. DOI: 10.1007/BF02987495

Schmid A.: Fadenförmige Mikroorganismen im Stress. UmweltMagazin, 34, 1/2, 36 - 37, 2004.

Schmid A.: System-Theoretical Approach for Describing the Phenomenon of "Biological Resonance". From:Pons, M., van Impe, J.: Computer Applications in Biotechnology 2004. Elsevier Verlag, 565 - 570, 2005. ISBN 008 044251 X, DOI: 10.1016/S1474-6670(17)32642-3

Schmid A.: CA:SE-Verfahren zur Reduzierung von Bläh- und Schwimmschlamm in kommunalen und industriellen Kläranlagen. Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 77, 8, 1253 – 1254, 2005.

Co-Author von Cornils B., Herrmann W., Muhler M., Wong C.: Catalysis from A to Z. A Concice Encyclopedia. 3. Edition..3 Bände Wiley-VCH Verlag, Weinheim, 2007. ISBN-978-3-527-31438-6

Schmid A.: Anwendung hydrodynamisch erzeugter “Superkavitation” in der Belüftungstechnik. Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 79, 4, 409 - 415, 2007. DOI: 10.1002/cite.200700002

Schmid A.: Abbau von Methyl-tert-butylether in einem hydrodynamischen Kavitationsfeld. Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 81, 7, 947 – 950, 2009. DOI: 10.1002/cite.200900031

Co-Author: Anaerobe Reaktoren und ihre Einsatzbereiche. 7. Arbeitsbericht der DWA-Arbeitsgruppe IG-5.1 „Anaerobe Verfahren zur Behandlung von Industrieabwässern". Korrespondenz Abwasser, 56, 11, 1147 – 1152, 2009.

Schmid A.: New Jet-Aeration System using “Supercavitation”. Environmental Science & Pollution Research, 17, 3, 582 – 585, 2010. DOI: 10.1007/s11356-009-0199-0

Schmid A.: MTBE-Degradation by hydrodynamic induced cavitation. Water Science & Technology, 61, 10, 2591 – 2594, 2010. DOI: 10.2166/wst.2010.173

Co-Author: Auswahl und Bewertung von Systemen und Reaktoren zur anaeroben Industrieabwasserbehandlung. 8. Arbeitsbericht der DWA-Arbeitsgruppe IG-5.1 "Anaerobe Verfahren zur Behandlung von Industrieabwässern". Korrespondenz Abwasser, 59, 1, 36 - 44, 2012.

Schmid A.: Elevation of Protein Synthesis by the Phenomenon of „Biological Resonance“. Industrial Biotechnology, 10, 1, 42 - 46, 2014. DOI: 10.1089/ind.2013.0017

Möbius C., Demel I., Schmid A.: Zellstoff- und Papierfabriken. Aus: Rosenwinkel K.H., Dichtl N., Kroiss H., Seyfried C.F., Weiland P.: Anaerobtechnik – Abwasser-, Schlamm- und Reststoffbehandlung, Biogasgewinnung. 3. Auflage. Springer Vieweg Verlag Heidelberg, 543 – 557, 2015. ISBN 978-3-642-24894-8, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-24895-5_7

Schmid A.: Effect of Hydrodynamic Induced Cavitation and Supercavitation on Water Pollutants. From: Katz J.: Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Cavitation (CAV2018). The American Society of Mechanical Engineers – ASME Digital Collection, 332 – 335, 2018. ISBN: 9780791861851, DOI: 10.1115/1.861851_ch64

Schmid A., Decker S.: Leistungssteigerung der Biogasproduktion durch Vorversäuerung in Kombination mit Substratvorbehandlung.Korrespondenz Abwasser, 66, 7, 558 - 562, 2019.

Schmid A: Improving Biogasfermentation of Sludge and Cosubstrates by Combining Acidification with Disintegration Systems. Journal of Water Science and Engineering, 1 (3), 1 - 4, 2019.

Schmid A., Schuebel M.: Untersuchungen zum Abbau verschiedener Modellsubstanzen mittels hydrodynamischer Kavitation im Technikumsmaßstab. Wasser 2020, GDCh Wasserchemische Gesellschaft, 128 - 131, 2020.

Schuebel M., Schmid A.: Anwendung von hydrodynamischer Kavitation zur Behandlung schadstoffbelasteter Modellwässer. Wasser 2021, GDCh Wasserchemische Gesellschaft, 290 - 294, 2021.

Schmid A.: Improving biogas fermentation of sludge and cosubstrates by combining acidification with disintegration systems. IWA Digital World Water Congress, 2021.

Co-Author: Pelletschlamm in Anaerobreaktoren. 10. Arbeitsbericht der DWA-Arbeitsgruppe IG-5.1 „Anaerobe Verfahren zur Behandlung von Industrieabwässern“. Korrespondenz Abwasser, 68, 8, 644 – 649, 2021.

Schmid A.: Chemical Effects of a Plug-flow Tubular Cavitation Reactor in Combination with H2O2 Dosage. ESS-JSS-AOSS 1st Joint Sonochemistry Conference (online), 2021.

Schmid A.: Water Treatment by Combining of a Plug-Flow Tubular Cavitation Reactor with H2O2 Dosage. IWA World Water Congress, Copenhagen, 2022.

Schmid A.: Sludge Disintegration inside an Acidification Reactor. IWA World Water Congress, Copenhagen, 2022.

Schmid A.: Impact of hydrodynamic induced cavitation & supercavitation on water pollutants. ESS European Society of Sonchemistry, Jena, 2022.

Schnabel T., Honke R., Schmid A., Mehling S., Göhring R., Simek O., Wolfram A., Wetterauer A.,  Springer C.: Low-cost test rig for characterization of photocatalytic planar materials using photonically sized UV-A LED light sources. HardwareX, 16, e00487, 2023.

Schmid A., Acosta-Carrascal J., Wolfram A.: Hydrodynamische Kavitation als Vorbehandlung für die anaerobe Vergärung von Nanofiltrations-Konzentraten der Wäschereiindustrie. 9. Industrietage Wassertechnik, DECHEMA, Frankfurt, 2023.

Auer S., Pflieger C., Prehn V., Grassmann T., Günther C., Kaulbars D., Krause J., Kuckelkorn J., Voigt I., Schmid A.: Recycling von Wäschereiabwasser zur Wiederverwendung des Abwassers mittels keramischer Nanofiltration. 9. Industrietage Wassertechnik, DECHEMA, Frankfurt, 2023.

Schmid A.: Influence of hydrodynamic cavitation on biogas formation of laundry wastewater. 12th Cavitation Symposium, CAV2024, Chania, 2024.

Schmid A., Acosta-Carrascal J., Wolfram A., Simek O.: Improving biogas formation of laundry wastewater by hydrodynamic cavitation. 18th Meeting of the European Society of Sonochemistry, P 17, Leuven, 2024.

Schmid A., Acosta-Carrascal J., Wolfram A., Simek O.: Influencing biogas synthesis-rate of laundry wastewater by hydrodynamic cavitation. 19th IWA Leading Edge Conference on Water and Wastewater Technologies, P 60, Essen,2024.

Schmid A., Simek O., Acosta-Carrascal J., Wolfram A.: Biogas synthesis enhancement of laundry wastewater by hydrodynamic cavitation. IWA World Water Congress, P 2.19, Toronto, 2024.


List publications

Anaerobic digestion of sludge and organic waste for small communities (< 200'000 residents)

Focus: Acidification in combination with disintegration - cavitation and/or electroporation


Green Technologies GTW - Hyrodynamic induced cavitation for the elimination of micro-pollutants




ReWaMem - Recycling of wastewater from laundries by ceramic nanofiltration

Focus: AOP-treatment of concentrate by hydrodynamic induced cavitation

Appreciation by Hightech-Agenda Bavaria: FUTURE CODE

DE 42 04 590 C2           04.05.1995

PCT/DE 02/04127        08.11.2002

DE 202 205 66 U1        24.12.2003

EP 1 435 339 A2            07.07.2004

WO 2004/101123 A1   25.11.2004

EP 1 409 414 B1            22.12.2004

DE 100 11 728 B4         10.02.2005

DE103 43 602 A1           14.04.2005

DE 103 20 840 B4          30.06.2005

DE 102004005396 A1  25.08.2005

EP 1 440 942 B8             05.10.2005

DE 102004027398 A1   29.12.2005

DE 102004045915 A1   30.03.2006

US 7 056 437 B2             06.06.2006

DE 102004009636 B4   01.03.2007

EP 3 398 912 A1              05.05.2017

EP 3 398 913 A1              04.05.2018

National delegate of Working Group no. 4; Biological Processes of COST-Action 624 "Optimal Management of Waste-water Systems";                  European cooperation of scientific and technical research (COST)


Scientific adviser for IWA (International Water Association); Expert in Wastewater Treatment - Emphasis in Activated Sludge Population Dynamics and Advanced Technologies


Member of Special Committee for the Appointment of Academic Staff at the Technical University Cyprus


External Examiner for Ph.D. program of Anna University Chennai, India


Reviewer for the Journal Water Research

Reviewer for the Journal Water Science and Technology

Reviewer for the Journal Water Supply

Reviewer for the Journal Water Practice & Technology

Reviewer for the Journal H2Open Journal

Reviewer for the Journal IWA Open Water Journal

Reviewer for the Journal Blue-Green Systems

Reviewer for the Journal Chemosphere

Reviewer for the Journal Ultrasonics Sonochemistry

Reviewer for the Journal Industrial Biotechnology

Reviewer for the Journal Comptes Rendus Chimie (French Academy of Sciences)

Reviewer for the Journal Chemie Ingenieur Technik

Reviewer for CRC Press

Reviewer for DAAD – Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst

Reviewer for DFG – Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft

Reviewer for DBU - Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt

Reviewer for FNR - Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe

Elected Member of DBU Alumni-Advisory Board

Member of DAAD committee – HAW International

Member of DWA - German Water Association

DWA-specialist working group IG-5.1 "Anaerobic treatment of industrial wastewater"

Guest DWA-main working group IG "Industrial wastewater treatment"

Member of IWA - International Water Association

 Member of EFB - European Federation of Biotechnology

 Deputy Leader of VDMA-Specialist Group "Sludge Disintegration"

Member of FUTUR-workgroup of BMBF - German Ministry of Education and Science -